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Explore an exciting mix of workshops focused on computer science and languages

Enhance your English or Computer Skills with Online Courses


Johnny the Yak and His Friend

January 24th, 2024




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If you are interested in learning English in America, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Our services include providing guidance on the top universities and schools in New York and New Jersey. We are committed to being available 24/7 to address your inquiries and provide assistance with form completion.

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For each purchase, you get 10 points. You can use your points 

to buy material, workshops, classes, or consultations. 





All classes are on Zoom

High speed internet is needed

Video playback available


We accept Paypal, Visa

Master, Discover, and 

other forms of payment.

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Do all the exercises online

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Professional Developments 

Google Drive

We offer comprehensive workshops to improve your work place efficiency. All participants will receive certificates upon completion. 

Microsoft Teams 

It's designed to help your workers and teachers comminate more effectively and troubleshoot any upcoming issues.


If you want your employees or teachers to work more effectively, you may take this course. It's designed to help learners to become professional users. 

Microsoft Windows

It's a two week course to improve your Microsoft Windows skills. For more information, please fill out the form.

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